Alexander Technique for Actors NYC

Center yourself and be present in performance

with Alexander Technique for Actors

Alexander Technique for actors NYC
Alexander Technique for actors NYC
Alexnder Technique Classes NYC

Alexander Technique for Actors

As actors, you so often have to deal with performance anxiety. I hear you worrying about “being in your head” — judging yourselves and concerned about how you are coming across.

The Alexander Technique can help.

In this 6-part series, you will explore ways that the Alexander Technique can help you deal with nerves and stay grounded and present during audition, rehearsal and performance. I will provide you with specific tools to release unnecessary tension and to calm and center yourself.

You will also increase your body awareness so you won’t bring your own poor postural habits to a role without knowing it and can find a neutral healthy posture from which to create a character’s specific physicality.

Classes 1-4:
Learn the main principles of the Technique and learn to embody them, step by step, in experiential activities.

Classes 5 and 6:
Application work: Practice a warm-up based on what you learned in the first four classes, apply Alexander Technique to your acting, and receive individualized coaching.

6-Class Actors' Series with Melissa Brown in NYC

When: TBA

Special Offer: 6 x 1.5-hour in-person classes for $320.
Only 6 students per series.


Melissa Brown - Alexander Technique for Actors

About Melissa Brown

I am a nationally certified Alexander Technique Teacher. I love seeing the results of Alexander Technique for actors and have been giving workshops in acting schools and at college acting programs over the past several years. In addition, I teach online workshops for the Actors Connection. I also teach weekly classes and private lessons to actors and other performers in my own studio - both online and in person.

Before teaching Alexander Technique in NY, I was a civil rights lawyer. When I was on trial, I encountered some of the same issues that actors experience in performance, but once I found the Alexander Technique, I had the tools I needed to deal with them. Knowing how helpful the Technique has been for me under pressure in court and in life in general, I feel especially invested in sharing it with actors.

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