Discover Alexander Technique

with Melissa Brown

Why Constructive Rest is so useful

What is Constructive Rest and why is it useful

For Constructive Rest, all you need is a floor (a rug or yoga mat are fine if you need the cushioning) and a few books to place under your head. Check out my recording above where I lead you through the practice.

In the Alexander Technique, we look to release habitual tension that pulls us out of alignment. That is why Constructive Rest can be so helpful. One of the easiest ways to release is when we don’t need much muscular effort to begin with – hence lying on the floor is perfect.

When we are lying on the floor, there is really very little that we have to do muscularly so our muscles will begin to soften on their own. Physically, we are fully supported by the floor. It is also easier mentally to release and let go when we know that we can’t fall.

I remember telling my teacher when I first began studying the Technique that I couldn’t release my legs while standing. Of course, that wasn’t true at all. My long-time habit was to stiffen my legs and they were way tighter than they needed to be. However, since we tend to feel comfortable with the habits we know (even if they are not serving us well), I still felt wary.

Constructive Rest is also a wonderful way to reset. It feels great to lie and the floor and release tension and then let the body expand to allow for more length in the spine.


Also, I want to let you know that I have finally come into the twenty-first century by creating an Alexander Technique Facebook page! It’s a great way to stay connected and know what classes I am offering.

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